
World Environment Day June 5th

Wednesday June 5th is World Environment Day!!

Source: http://www.unep.org/wed/ (United Nations Environment Programme)
Support World Environment Day by going to to the links below and select either your Twitter or Facebook account.  Go to http://thndr.it/121qxS0 ,
It's time to spread the word about the importance of the environment, and you have the power to do it! 
Support World Environment Day 2013 by sending the message below through Thunderclap on 5 June.

“Today is World Environment Day. Join in and take one action to support our planet! #WED2013 http://thndr.it/16UHezT”;

Local Event:
  • Location:  Knight Brown Nature Preserve in the Belews Lake area (just outside of Greensboro). Waterfield Lane, Stokesdale, NC. Meet at the end of the cul-de-sac, which will be the trailhead.

 Project Description:  Trail – building on this new, 180-acre nature preserve scheduled for public opening in fall 2013.
What to bring: Wear layered clothing, a hat and sturdy field shoes/boots.  Please bring work gloves, sunscreen and a full water bottle.  The Nature Conservancy will provide a snack and supplies needed for the project.  
More about the importance of the site: Once part of a large family farm tract, this land has been donated to Piedmont Land Conservancy to use as a public nature preserve. The 180 acres consists of a nice wooded valley protecting part of the Dan River watershed. This property is home to two streams, several fern species and orchid populations, uncommon shrubs and at least one vernal pool which serves as breeding habitat for spotted salamanders. The property is adjacent to parts of the future Mountains-to-Sea Trail along the Dan River.

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