
Free Webinar's hosted by US Dept. of Education

Some Great Webinar's Offered by the US Department of Education
The US Department of Education has some great resources available for schools,adminstrators looking to use green cleaning products and the effects on students learning. This could also be a great tool for concerned parents to gather some information and let your school administrators know the importance to having quality indoor air standards.  To learn more about the offered webinars and to register, please visit their website Green Strides Webinar Series

According to some estimates, in the US alone more than 55 million people (approximately one quarter of the US population) spend their days inside K-12 schools. Most people including educators and administrators think very little of the air quality they are working in.  According to the CDC ~14 million students miss school due to asthma.  The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine highlights that controlling exposure to indoor environmental factors, such as carbon monoxide, dust and pollen, could prevent more than 65 percent of asthma cases among elementary school-age child. By improving indoor air quality, schools could improve the health of students, faculty and staff, potentially decreasing sick days.  

      • "I think that we should begin in elementary schools teaching people about sustainability… we know that children’s instincts always direct them to be more green… We should give every young person the means to maximize the environment of their schools. They’re all in school somewhere—public or private. We should be right now engaged in retrofitting every school in America."  President Bill Clinton

  • June 12th- 4-5 pm Summer Reading for Environmental Education (EDN)
    • Summer reading lists offer an opportunity for students to continue their educational journey when school is not in session. Through Earth Day Network’s innovative Reading for the Earth™ campaign, students all over the country are learning about environmental issues and challenges through reading. In this webinar, Earth Day Network will facilitate a discussion on some of the benefits of summer reading for the environment and highlight some effective books to get students engaged in the discussion. Click to Register
  • June 18th- 3- pm A School Administrator's Role in a Successful Green Cleaning Program (HSC)
    • How can green cleaning programs save your school and district money? What are the benefits of a green cleaning program to student and staff health and student academic achievement? How can you start a green cleaning program in your school or district? During this webinar, school administrators and building engineers will share strategies for implementing a green cleaning program and share the first steps, benefits, and challenges and solutions involved in creating and supporting a green cleaning program.Click to Register
  • June 18th-3-4 pm The Role of Indoor Air Quality in Creating Healthy Learning Environments (EPA)
    • Looking to get new information about indoor air quality and related health issues in school? This webinar will teach you about cost-effective steps you can take to help ensure good ventilation, reduce airborne allergens, and prevent exposure to harmful indoor air pollutants. Click to Register

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