
Great American Backyard Campout

Today 25% of kids play outside daily—as opposed to 75% a generation ago—but the average child spends nearly seven hours each day using electronic media. The positive effects of daily, unstructured time outdoors on kids’ health and happiness are well-documented and wide-ranging. National Wildlife Federation encourages families and friends to Be Out There™ to give back to American children what they don’t even know they’ve lost—their connection to the natural world. For more information on the Be Out There™ movement which Great American Backyard Campout supports, please visit beoutthere.org.

Picture taken from nwf.org/great-american-backyard-campout.aspx website

Join thousands of people across the nation on June 22, 2013 to gather in their backyards, neighborhoods, communities and parks to take part in the Great American Backyard Campout, an opportunity for all generations to connect with nature.

Be a part of the movement! The positive effects of daily, unstructured time outdoors on kids’ health are well-documented and wide-ranging. National Wildlife Federation encourages families and friends to Be Out There™ in order to give back to American children what they don’t even know they’ve lost—their connection to the natural world.

If Saturday, June 22nd isn’t convenient for you, no problem! You can still be a part of this year’s event, support the movement and get all the camping tips and activities. Just register now and camp at a later date of your choosing.

Registration is free.
To Register or find an Existing Campsite

 Lets get our kids playing outside again

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