
National Rivers Month

 June is National Rivers Month! As school lets out and the days grow longer, Americans head outdoors to swim, paddle, fish, and enjoy their local rivers. A great way to help ensure the health and
safety of your river is by participating in American Rivers' National River Cleanup  program
You can join an already scheduled cleanup or organize one of your own.


Organize or Volunteer at a River Cleanup near you ! Find a local cleanup in your area or organize one yourself. 
EG Did you know that the United States has over 3,660,000 miles of rivers?  That's enough distance to circle the Earth 146 times!  Freshwater rivers and streams provide drinking and irrigation water, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities and much more. 

Also check out this cool interactive map on Where your water comes from?

For educators or parents here are some links to help your kids learn about rivers.

    Missouri Botanical Garden

The Missouri Botanical Garden has some informative pages on Rivers and Streams

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