
Summer Camps in the Great Smoky Mountains

There are some exciting camps this summer in the Smokies. The Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont has been offering youth and family programs to encourage individuals to explore the most popular national park in the United States! Make sure to check out these three camps below!

Smoky Mountains Family Camp
July 2-7

Spend your family vacation in the middle of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Surround your family with the magic of the mountains as you hike ridges, study wildlife, explore secret places, and take afternoon dips in the Middle Prong. This week-long adventure is designed for families that are ready to leave their cares behind in exchange for a week of unending family fun. Each day brings new activities in which to choose; hike in the high country, explore Cades Cove, search for salamanders, and enjoy fantastic evening entertainment.
Cost: $1,158 for a family of four ($243/each additional person). $100/person deposit required at registration.
NOTE: Although younger children are welcome, activities are geared toward ages 6 and up.

For more information and to register, visit: http://www.gsmit.org/familycamp.html

Teen High Adventure Camp for 13-17 year olds
July 9-19

Venture into the heart of the Great Smoky backcountry, spending 7 days and 6 nights among a community of teenage outdoor enthusiasts like you! Grow as a leader among your generation in understanding outdoor living ethics, as well as learning firsthand about the animals and plants that call these mountains home. Become accustomed to the peace and pace where the sound of cars and civilization don’t intrude – where you can fall asleep to the sound of a wild mountain stream. At trail’s end there’s a hot shower waiting as well as a day of whitewater rafting...

Slip into the swirling mists of the “place of blue smoke” for a 10-day program that includes a 7 day/6 night backpacking adventure, whitewater rafting, and the chance to learn outdoor living skills. Wildlife, good friends, spectacular views, and great backpack leaders will accompany your journey. Program lasts from Monday mid-afternoon through the second Thursday morning.

Cost: $1,045
For more information and to register, visit: http://www.gsmit.org/TeenHighAdventure.html

Field Ecology Adventure
July 9-19

Come to Tremont and experience Great Smoky Mountains National Park from a field
scientist’s perspective. You will swim with the fishes and identify the myriad species that thrive in the Smokies or hold a live bird in your hands before it takes off to the treetops. Then after a day chock-full of adventure, you can sit under a starry sky and identify the frogs you hear calling to each other.
This camp is an opportunity for you to learn about the natural world and the methods scientists use to study it by participating in real science projects in the park. You will experience hands-on studies of everything from bugs to bears and fungi to birds. A camping trip and team projects make this a unique and exciting experience. Expect a mixture of field science and fun—swimming, hiking, stories around the campfire—all in the Great Smoky Mountains!

Cost: $1,045
For more information and to register, visit: http://www.gsmit.org/fieldecology.html

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