By Noel Brown
Photo Courtesy of GHSUAUGUSTA, Ga. — GHSU psychologist Dr. Catherine Davis has been studying the effect regular exercise has on the way overweight children think. (image courtesy GHSU)Inside a gym 20 kids play a modified version of musical chairs. They run around a circle of colored Frisbees while a radio blasts Shakira. When the music stops so do the children… panting and out of breath. Ty'leke Allen loves this game. "It makes me feel good, because I'm burning off all this fat," he says wiping the sweat from his forehead.Ty'leke and the other kids are overweight. They are part of a study from the Georgia Health Sciences University in Augusta. Psychologist Catherine Davis has been examining the effects of regular exercise on how children think."We found that their scores on a math achievement test went up based on the amount of exercise that they did," says Davis. Read the full story at http://www.gpb.org/news/2011/02/21/exercise-could-make-obese-children-smarter
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