
Coalition Aims to Make "Go Outside and Play" a State Policy

From: Be Out There
National Wildlife Federation

The simple notion that you need to dedicate a week to encourage kids to go outside and play would have seemed preposterous just a decade ago. Yet with the proliferation of video games, smart phones, and enticing TV series, coupled with parents becoming increasingly fearful of threats real and perceived, kids are now staying inside in record numbers.

The North Carolina Children and Nature Coalition, a collection of groups that share an interest in health, development and education of young people, is determined to change our culture, embrace and value time spent outside while connecting with nature. Based in Asheboro, North Carolina, the group is working to gain support from the State Legislature to endorse their campaign by passing a "Children's Bill of Rights." The proposal, which requires no funding or policy changes, aims to protect a variety of opportunities that every North Carolina child should have including activities such as "camping under the stars, learning to swim, riding a bike."

The Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights will be discussed at the coalition's annual conference March 23rd. Read More About the North Carolina Children's Bill of Rights

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