
Planetary Party

Saturday, August 4, 1pm to 2 pm and 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Only 3 days until the Mars Curiosity Rover lands on the red planet!

The Colburn Earth Science Museum will be teaching special lessons on the Red Planet and the solar system using their GEODOME (the next best thing to having a spaceship and flying all over the universe faster than the speed of light!) and STARLAB. You will also be able to participate in PLANET FEST (a science web-cast started by Bill Nye) by uploading video questions to have them answered by NASA scientists!

Unfortunately Curiosity will not land until the earliest hours of August 6, but it if you want more from Curiosity or from Planet Fest, you will be able to watch live coverage from a link on the Museum's website that will be posted this weekend!

Classes and participation are free with museum admission.

Bring the kids to witness a historic achievement of science!

To learn more about the Colburn Earth Science Museum, visit:

You can follow the Curiosity Rover as it travels to Mars on Twitter ( and on the web (

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