
Happy Birthday, Smokey!

Smokey Bear's Birthday Party at the Cradle of Forestry
Saturday, August 4, 11:00am to 2:30pm

Games, singing, firefighting equipment, birthday cake and of course, Smokey Bear! The symbol of wildland fire prevention turns 68 this year, and the Cradle of Forestry will host this special bear’s birthday party.  Smokey will help cut his birthday cake and meet and greet his friends during the celebration.  Party favor bags for children include a little book “The True Story of Smokey Bear,” the Smokey Bear song, and Smokey memorabilia. Families are welcome to pack a picnic. Activities during Smokey Bear’s Birthday Party are held in front of the Forest Discovery Center until 1:00, indoors if it is raining. Then festivities continue with a live animal program inside the Forest Discovery Center.  Bi-Lo is a presenting sponsor of this event.

The fee for this event is $6.00 for ages 16 and older; youth 15 and under and America the Beautiful and Golden Passport holders are admitted for ½ price on this special day. ($3.00) Children under four years old are admitted free.

The Cradle of Forestry Historic Site
11250 Pisgah Hwy
Pisgah Forest, NC 28768
Phone: (828) 877-3130
*Please note if a  driving direction search reccomends using N.C. 151, you may want to use an alternative route due to extremely steep inclines and sharp curves

For more information about the Cradle of Forestry Historic Site, visit:

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