
Rare Whale Fossil Dedication at Lake Waccamaw SP

Friday, August 24, 1pm

Join rangers and staff at Lake Waccamaw State Park to celebrate the dedication of a rare Balaenula whale skull in the park visitor center. The skull was found in the park's bay lake by a resident in 2008. To learn more about this event and the whale skull, read the press release:

Meet in the visitor center.

1866 State Park Drive
Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450
Phone: (910) 646-4748
For more information about Lake Waccamaw State Park, visit:

Durant Family Campout

Friday, August 24, to Saturday, August 25, 6pm to 11am

Families gather to form a group and experience an overnight complete with a naturalist led night hike, s'mores for the kids, breakfast provided for you, and time for fishing. Bring a tent or borrow a cot and sleep in an adirondack shelter. Your gear will be hauled by vehicle down to the primitive, lakeside campsite that you will call home for the night!

Ages: 6 and up
Admission: Adults $15 each, Youth $10.

Register 4 days in advance at
Durant Nature Park
8305 Camp Durant Road
Raleigh, NC 27614
Phone: (919) 870-2871

For more information about Durant Nature Park, visit:

Junior Biologists - Nature Photography

Tuesday, August 21, 3pm to 5pm

Participants will learn basic photographic techniques for successful outdoor digital photography. Introduction to light, perspective and composition using both point-and-shoot and SLR (single-lens reflex) digital cameras will be discussed. Participants can bring their own digital camera or borrow one from staff. Wear shoes and clothes appropriate for outdoor activity and hands-on experience. Photographs will be downloaded on to a CD for participants to take home. Pre-registration is required

Ages: 12-15
Admission: Free
Parking fee: $2

To download a registration form, visit:

Centennial Campus Center for Wildlife Education
NC State University's Centennial Campus
1751 Varsity Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27606
Phone: (919) 707-0209

National Honey Bee Day

This Saturday, August 18, is National Honey Bee Day! The primary goals of National Honey Bee Day are: to promote and advance beekeeping, educate the public about honey bees and beekeeping and make the public aware of the environmental concerns that impact honey bees.

The honey bee industry needs your help and support, and not just on National Honey Bee Day. The care of the environment in which the bees reside takes a year-round commitment. Check out the link below to learn about how becoming a good steward of the environment will help these important pollinators.

National Honey Bee Day website:

We've listed some NC events that are sure to "bee" a hit with your family! Check back for updates.

The Buzz on Bees
Saturday, August 18, 11am to 12pm

Family programs encourage families to enjoy a park experience together. Great for families and children who want to explore one of our buzziest pollinators!
Celebrate our #1 pollinator by learning about the busy bees of Yates Mill. Explore how bees are beneficial to gardens, their roles in the hive and how bees make honey. Taste honey from different parts of the country and meet a beekeeper! For all ages. Pre-registration is required.

Admission: $5/Family or $3/Person

Historic Yates Mill County Park
4620 Lake Wheeler Road
Raleigh, NC 27603
Phone: (919) 856-6675
For more information about Yates Mill County Park, visit:

The Buzz on Bees
Saturday, August 18, 11am to 3pm

Did you know more than one-third of the world’s food supply, including fruits and vegetables, depends on honey bees for pollination? Even your home garden and flowers wouldn’t survive without them! Come join the staff at Chimney Rock State Park to observe enclosed live bee hives, chat with local beekeeping experts, learn about the basics of beekeeping and honey production and bring home local honey and beeswax products. Kids can enjoy “busy bee” crafts and activities, and a costume prize is awarded to the “best dressed” bee. Learn more about how our survival depends on honey bees, why they are disappearing and what you can do to help!

Admission: No additional cost with paid Park admission.

Chimney Rock State Park
Highway 64/74A
Chimney Rock, NC 28720
Phone: (828) 625-9611

For more information about this event, visit:

Bee City Celebration at Asheville City Market
Saturday, August 18, 8am to 1pm

Asheville celebrates Bee City USA on National Honeybee Day at Asheville City Market on Charlotte Street. There will be costume making, honey tasting, a scavenger hunt, and a pollinator parade.

Asheville City Market
161 S. Charlotte St.
Asheville, NC, 28801
Additional Info: Phyllis Stiles (828) 545-4282

For more information about Asheville City Market, visit:

Sea Turtle Celebration

Tuesday, August 14

Nimbus, the NC Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores' rare white sea turtle, is turning two! In honor of the little loggerhead and to highlight sea turtles everywhere, enjoy a daylong Sea Turtle Celebration on August 14. Find out more about these captivating reptiles, the troubles they face and how to help them.

-See Nimbus in a new exhibit
-Sign a super-sized birthday card
-Check the Sea Turtle Nursery for this season’s hatchlings
-Meet sea turtles in a Creature Feature or animal encounter
-Test your sea turtle savvy with hands-on activities and games
-Pledge to do a few simple things to help all sea turtles'

The celebration coincides with the last Turtle Tuesday of the summer, so if you haven't been able to attend this season here is your last chance!

Activities related to Turtle Tuesday are free with admission or membership. Admission is $8 for those ages 13-61, $7 for those who are 62 or older, and $6 for 3-12-year-olds. Toddlers age two and under can get into the aquarium for free.
Photo: Nimbus at the NC Aqaurium at Pine Knoll Shores

NC Aqaurium at Pine Knoll Shores
1 Roosevelt Blvd
Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28512
Phone: (252) 247-4003 or (800) 832-3474

For more information about the NC Aqaurium at Pine Knoll Shores, visit:

Tree Identification Hike

Saturday, August 11, 11am

Join a Park Ranger at the Jacob Fork Parking Area for a 1.0 mile hike along the Hemlock Nature Trail to learn how to identify trees in the park. Bring water and wear appropriate clothing and footwear.  
Photo: T. Johnson - South Mountains State Park
South Mountains State Park
3001 South Mountain Park Avenue
Connelly Springs, NC 28612
GPS: 35.5963, -81.6000
Phone: (828) 433-4772 or (828) 433-4686

For more information about South Mountains State Park and to read the driving directions notice, visit:

Greensboro Paddle Fest 2012

Paddle Days of August Presents: Paddle Fest 2012

Saturday, August 18 at Lake Higgins Marina from 8am to 3pm

Join the Greensboro City Lakes and Get:Outdoors for the largest boat demo of the year! There will be more than 60 different boat models and makes for everyone to try out. Not only can you try out just about any boat you want, you can take part in several classes and clinics and visit with vendors. Learn more about kayaking in the community through local paddle clubs and water conservation groups. All classes and clinics are free and open to all ages. Please note there is a $2 fee to park the day of the event.

For more information about Paddle Fest and to view the schedule of events, visit:

Perseid Meteor Gazing

Raven Rock State Park
Saturday, August 11, 8pm to 10pm

Come to Raven Rock to look for meteors during the Persid Meteor Shower. A short presentation on basic astronomy and the meteor shower will be given before moving outside to watch for meteors. Bring a chair and bug spray.

Raven Rock State Park
3009 Raven Rock Road
Lillington, NC 27546
Phone: (910) 893-4888

For more information about Raven Rock State Park, visit:

For more information about the Perseid Meteor shower (and other meteor showers this year), visit:

More information about the Perseid Meteor shower:

Plants That Bite Back Hike

Saturday, August 11, 5:30pm to 7pm

Join a park ranger for an informative talk on carnivorous plants, their trapping methods and other fascinating facts. A 2.0 mile hike after the program will be a great opportunity to view several of these species. Program is open to the public and free of charge. Wear closed shoes, long pants and bring bug spray and bottled water. Meet at the Visitor Center.

Lake Waccamaw State Park
1866 State Park Dr
Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450
Phone: (910) 646-4748

For more information about Lake Waccamaw State Parl, visit:

Photo: K. Hamlin - Croatan National Forest

Animal Tracks

Photo: P. Hart - Raven Rock State Park
Sunday, August 12, 12:30pm to 3pm

Pour a plaster casting of your favorite wild animal track. Then take a hike while your track dries at the Visitor Center. Tracks will take about an hour to dry.

Raven Rock State Park
3009 Raven Rock Road
Lillington, NC 27546
Phone: (910) 893-4888

For more information about Raven Rock State Park, visit:


Big Basswood Adventure Hike

“Off the Beaten Path” Guided Hike - Big Basswood Adventure

Saturday, August 11, and Sunday, August 12, 11am to 1pm

Up and down a bit of slope, between a few boulders and shrubs and weaving beneath tall trees, hikers will be led into a hidden cove where the state’s largest basswood tree lives. Several other large trees are its neighbors, and wildflowers carpet the forest floor. This is a 2-hour+ moderately-strenuous hike.

Must register in advance. Call (828) 625-9611 or register online. Payment required at registration.

Admission: $19/Adults, $3/Annual Passholders, $10/Child (ages 6-12), $2/Grady’s Kids Club Members (includes Park admission for the day)

Chimney Rock State Park
Highway 64/74A
Chimney Rock, NC 28720
Phone: (828) 625-9611

For more information about Chimney Rock State Park and to register online, visit:

For more information on NC's Champion Trees, visit:

Champion Basswood in Chimney Rock State Park

Planetary Party

Saturday, August 4, 1pm to 2 pm and 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Only 3 days until the Mars Curiosity Rover lands on the red planet!

The Colburn Earth Science Museum will be teaching special lessons on the Red Planet and the solar system using their GEODOME (the next best thing to having a spaceship and flying all over the universe faster than the speed of light!) and STARLAB. You will also be able to participate in PLANET FEST (a science web-cast started by Bill Nye) by uploading video questions to have them answered by NASA scientists!

Unfortunately Curiosity will not land until the earliest hours of August 6, but it if you want more from Curiosity or from Planet Fest, you will be able to watch live coverage from a link on the Museum's website that will be posted this weekend!

Classes and participation are free with museum admission.

Bring the kids to witness a historic achievement of science!

To learn more about the Colburn Earth Science Museum, visit:

You can follow the Curiosity Rover as it travels to Mars on Twitter ( and on the web (

Happy Birthday, Smokey!

Smokey Bear's Birthday Party at the Cradle of Forestry
Saturday, August 4, 11:00am to 2:30pm

Games, singing, firefighting equipment, birthday cake and of course, Smokey Bear! The symbol of wildland fire prevention turns 68 this year, and the Cradle of Forestry will host this special bear’s birthday party.  Smokey will help cut his birthday cake and meet and greet his friends during the celebration.  Party favor bags for children include a little book “The True Story of Smokey Bear,” the Smokey Bear song, and Smokey memorabilia. Families are welcome to pack a picnic. Activities during Smokey Bear’s Birthday Party are held in front of the Forest Discovery Center until 1:00, indoors if it is raining. Then festivities continue with a live animal program inside the Forest Discovery Center.  Bi-Lo is a presenting sponsor of this event.

The fee for this event is $6.00 for ages 16 and older; youth 15 and under and America the Beautiful and Golden Passport holders are admitted for ½ price on this special day. ($3.00) Children under four years old are admitted free.

The Cradle of Forestry Historic Site
11250 Pisgah Hwy
Pisgah Forest, NC 28768
Phone: (828) 877-3130
*Please note if a  driving direction search reccomends using N.C. 151, you may want to use an alternative route due to extremely steep inclines and sharp curves

For more information about the Cradle of Forestry Historic Site, visit:

Soundside Hike at Jockey's Ridge

Photo: B. Cooksey - Jockey's Ridge State Park
Saturday, August 4, 10am

Join park staff at Jockey's Ridge State Park for a leisurely 45 minute walk along the Soundside Nature Trail and discuss the interesting habitats of barrier islands. Meet at the sound access parking area off of West Soundside Road. All ages welcome. Please bring sunscreen, bug spray, and hat.

Jockey's Ridge State Park
Park entrance is on Carolista Dr.
milepost 12 on the Highway 158 Bypass (South Croatan Highway)
Nags Head, NC 27959

Bat Conservation Week at WNC Nature Center

Come to the Western NC Nature Center for Bat Conservation Week on August 6 - 10, 10am to 4pm.

The United Nations (UNEP) has declared 2012 as International Year of the Bat! The WNC Nature Center will be celebrating the unique world of bats with information stations on bat ecology and biology and presentations throughout the day.

For more information about the Western NC Nature Center, visit:

For more information about NC bat ecology, visit:

WNC Nature Center
75 Gashes Creek Road
Asheville, NC 28805
Phone: (828) 259-8080

Photo: D. Probasco - Ashley National Forest (Utah)

Wild Wings!

Saturday, Augusut 4, 9am to 3pm - Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden

Wildlife biologist Susan Campbell returns for her annual research trip as she traps, bands and releases hummingbirds in this popular Wild About Summer event. Visitors can observe, ask questions, and help release the tiny birds, resulting in an incredible opportunity to see science in action.
Plus, check out other winged wonders such as butterflies and bees, and the colorful plants that attract them.

Members of the Gaston County Beekeepers Association return to the Garden with un-bee-lievable demonstrations, and the Gardens own Fields a-Flutter exhibit showcases the wonder and beauty of butterflies.
Photo: E. Nygard - Hanging Rock State Park
Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
6500 South New Hope Road
Belmont, NC 28012
Phone: (704) 825-4490

For more information about the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden and to see admission prices, visit: