
Ranger Camp at Piedmont Wildlife Center

Ranger Camp for teens (ages 11-17)
July 23-27

This camp gives a select group of young people the opportunity to explore the woods with the confidence and strength of the rangers of the Old World.  Campers will study the art of stealth by creating their own ranger cloaks to camouflage their bodies as they prowl through the woods.  They will hone their eye-hand coordination and focus as they practice the time-honored tradition of roving archery.  Through tracking and woodscraft, campers will understand what it means to be keepers of our natural world.

 ■‘Ranger Cloak’ ghillie suit made from camo netting, burlap, and natural materials
 ■Roving Archery where each camper has his own bow, quiver, and arrows.  Move through the forest aiming at targets along the course
 ■Tracking exercises which culminate in a stalk to find the evil ogre destroying the woods, and then shooting him at distance
 ■Estimating range, to get an innate sense of distance
 ■Sneaking around and trying to remain unseen
 ■Camouflage using natural materials
 ■Swiss arrows

For more information and to register, visit: http://www.piedmontwildlifecenter.org/summer-camps/

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