
Moon Lines Up with Saturn and Mars

Oppressive summer weather hangs around this week, but you can still get outside and beat the heat! If the sky is clear tonight you will have the chance to see TWO planets in the southwestern sky.

Just after sunset tonight (July 23) look for the waxing crescent moon in the west to southwest sky. Saturn and Mars will join in shortly thereafter.

image from www.earthsky.org

Sunset will be around 8:30pm tonight. Please be aware of your local weather conditions and consider your safety and the safety of others if the weather becomes dangerous. There will be two more chances to see the moon, Saturn and Mars so apparently close on the following nights (July 24 & 25).

For more information on this celestial event, visit: http://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-lines-up-with-mars-and-saturn-after-sunset-july-23

To find other events and to learn more about the night sky, visit: http://nightsky.jpl.nasa.gov/index.cfm

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