
Follow Those Tracks!

Tuesday, August 7, 9:30am to 10:30am

Discover how scientists follow animals to their homes. Learn to identify common animal signs. Enjoy games and a craft to take with you.

Ages 8-12, $5 per participant. Preregistration at least four days in advance is required.

Please visit the following link to register: http://reclink.raleighnc.gov

You may also register at any Raleigh Parks community center.

Marsh Creek Community Center
3050 New Hope Road
Raleigh, NC 27604
Phone: (919) 996-4920

For more information call Raleigh Parks and Recreation Nature Programs at (919) 831-6856.
Photo: P. Hart - Raven Rock State Park

Spider Sniffing

Saturday, August 4, 8pm to 10pm

Do you have a nose for nature? Bring it, your flashlight, and your night vision for a hike around the Old Beech Nature Trail. Meet with park staff at dusk to learn what those bumps in the night really are, and discover the secret art of "spider sniffing." Meet at the Waterwise Garden.

Preregistration is required. To download a registration form, visit the following link: Registration Form

Admission: $3/person or $5/family

Lake Crabtree County Park
1400 Aviation Parkway
Morrisville, NC 27560
Phone: (919) 460-3355

For more information on Lake Crabtree County Park, visit: http://www.wakegov.com/parks/lakecrabtree/default.html

Full Moon Fever at Lake Waccamaw State Park

Thursday, August, 2 - 8pm to 9pm

Learn to explore new galaxies from your own backyard. Join the rangers at Lake Waccamaw State Park in an informative astronomy program followed by viewing the night sky with simple and complex instruments. Focus will be on the moon.
Photo: B. Smith
Lake Waccamaw State Park
1866 State Park Dr
Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450
Phone: (910) 646-4748

For more information about Lake Waccamaw State Park, visit: http://www.ncparks.gov/Visit/parks/lawa/main.php

Paddling Around Roanoke Island

Friday, July 27, 10am-12pm

Explore the outdoors with NC Aquarium instructors while kayaking the waters surrounding Roanoke Island. This leisurely outing is a perfect trip for the beginner. Paddlers should expect to get a little wet as they explore the hidden parts of Roanoke Island in search of local animals, native plants, and ever-shifting shorelines. All equipment is provided and no experience is necessary. Bring your water bottle, sunscreen, and sense of adventure to join our staff on the water!
Closed toe water shoes are required.

Ages: 6 and up - Children 12 and under must share a kayak with a paying adult.

Prereservation is required. Please call (252) 473-3494 ext. 232.

$30 per Person
$27 for NC Aquarium Members

NC Aquarium at Roanoke Island
374 Airport Rd.
Manteo, NC 27954
Phone: (252) 473-3494 or 800-832-3474 ext. 4

For more information about the NC Aquarium on Roanoke Island, visit: http://www.ncaquariums.com/roanoke-island

WNC Nature Center Opens Young Naturalist Garden

The Western North Carolina Nature Center in Asheville recently opened their new "Young Naturalist Garden." Children can play in the puppet theater, build forts, and then check out the animals in the exhibits.

To see a video of the Young Naturalist Garden, visit: http://www.my40.tv/shared/news/top-stories/stories/wmya_vid_8090.shtml

To learn more about the WNC Nature Center, visit: http://wncnaturecenter.com/


Polliwogs Mini Camp

Tuesday, July 31 - Thursday, August 2
9am to 11am each day

Are you 4 to 5 years old? Do you love turtles, frogs and bugs? Then Polliwogs is the camp for you! Come on down to Crowder for stories, songs, crafts and games all about your favorite critters. Meet other kids and practice skills that will help you get ready for school, too. For ages 4-5 with accompanying adult. Pre-registration is required.

Admission: $30/Child
Photo: M. Lobsinger - Wake County PROS

Crowder District Park
4709 Ten Ten Road
Apex, NC 27539
Phone: (919) 662-2850

For more information about Crowder District Park, visit:

New River Celebration

Saturday, July 28, 10am - 4pm
Celebrating the New River

Join the staff and rangers at New River State Park for a day of river ecology, stewardship and awareness, recreational fun and show your support for the protection of the Eastern Hellbender. Rangers will be offering several nature programs throughout the day. A special presentation promoting the conservation efforts to help protect the Eastern Hellbender will be given by John Groves, the Curator of NC Zoo's reptile and amphibian exhibits. Join Lori Williams, a biologist for the NC Wildlife Resource Commission, for a close and personal encounter with a live Hellbender.

Several local recreational outfitters helping to sponsor the event will be in attendance to promote their green economic services to the local economy.

River ecology conservation and water quality groups will be illustrating the importance of protecting the New River.

Wrap up the day's celebration by joining Snotty the snot otter, a costumed hellbender, and the Elkland Art Center in the grand finale - an environmental costume parade.

For an itinerary of the day's events, visit: http://friendsofhcsp.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/cele-day-itinerary-2012.pdf

To learn more about New River State Park, visit: http://www.ncparks.gov/Visit/parks/neri/main.php

New River State Park's U.S. Hwy 221 Access
Laurel Springs, NC 28644
Office phone: (336) 982-2587

Park Superintendent Joe Shimel and Snotty the Snot Otter

Moon Lines Up with Saturn and Mars

Oppressive summer weather hangs around this week, but you can still get outside and beat the heat! If the sky is clear tonight you will have the chance to see TWO planets in the southwestern sky.

Just after sunset tonight (July 23) look for the waxing crescent moon in the west to southwest sky. Saturn and Mars will join in shortly thereafter.

image from www.earthsky.org

Sunset will be around 8:30pm tonight. Please be aware of your local weather conditions and consider your safety and the safety of others if the weather becomes dangerous. There will be two more chances to see the moon, Saturn and Mars so apparently close on the following nights (July 24 & 25).

For more information on this celestial event, visit: http://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-lines-up-with-mars-and-saturn-after-sunset-july-23

To find other events and to learn more about the night sky, visit: http://nightsky.jpl.nasa.gov/index.cfm

Moths All Night!

Saturday & Sunday - July 28 to July 29, 8pm - 4am

B. Anderson - William B. Umstead State Park

Come out to Prairie Ridge and celebrate National Moth Week with the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences! After a brief introduction to moths in the outdoor classroom, head out to the black lights and traps to see what’s out and about throughout the night. Different species are active at different times, so stay all night for the best experience! Bring a flashlight, a camera (if you have one), and your moth questions to ask the experts. Then upload photos of the moths you see to citizen science project websites throughout the night so that the data can help scientists learn more about the species in our area.

Admission/introductory sessions start at 8:00 pm, 10:30 pm, and 1:00 am, but everyone's welcome to celebrate moths until 4:00am! Preregistration is required. All ages welcome, but children 15 years and younger must be accompanied by a registered adult. Dress for the weather; dark clothing is best; no open-toed shoes.

For more information or registration, please contact Chris Goforth at 919.733.7450 x675 or chris.goforth@ncdenr.gov. (Note: Chris’s number will soon change to 919.707.8882.)

Event Link: http://naturalsciences.org/programs-events/moths-all-night
Prairie Ridge Ecostation for Wildlife and Learning
4301 Reedy Creek Road
Raleigh, NC 27607

For more information about Prairie Ridge Ecostation, visit: http://naturalsciences.org/prairie-ridge-ecostation

National Moth Week

July 23 - 29

National Moth Week brings together everyone interested in moths to celebrate these amazing insects. This summer, groups and individuals from all the across the country will spend some time during National Moth Week looking for moths and sharing what they’ve found. Getting involved during National Moth Week is easy: attend a National Moth Night event, start an event, join friends and neighbors to check porch lights from time to time, set up a light and see what is in your own backyard, or read literature about moths.

With more than 10,000 species in North America alone, moths offer endless options for study, education, photography, and fun. Moths can be found everywhere from inner cities and suburban backyards, to the most wild and remote places. The diversity of moths is simply astounding. Their colors and patterns range from bright and dazzling, to so cryptic that they define camouflage. Moth shapes and sizes span the gamut, with some as small as a pinhead and others as large as a hand. Most moths are nocturnal and need to be sought at night to be seen, but others fly like butterflies during the day.

For more information on the First National Moth Week and to find events near you, visit: http://nationalmothweek.org/

EcoSmart Parent will also be posting National Moth Week events!

Kids on Deck!

Kids on Deck! River Boat Tour aboard the Solomon T - Part of the Children’s Summer Series (NC Maritime Museum at Southport)

Wednesday, July 25, 10am to 12pm

Set sail with Captain Bert Felton on the Solomon T! Perform science experiments, bird watch at Battery Island and learn the history of the river.

Meet at the Old Yacht Basin in Southport.

Fee: $10.00/child
Ages 8-12
Space is limited to 5 children, so pre-register soon!

For more information and to register, call (910) 457-0003.

For more information on the NC Maritime Museums, visit: www.ncmaritimemuseums.com
M. Windsor - Bald Head Island State Natural Area

Mussel Mania

Saturday, July 21, 10am to 11am

Find out what other species are swimming with you. Explore the shoreline at Lake Waccamaw State Park for aquatic species with a ranger. Meet at the picnic area pier. You will get wet, you may get soaked!
Photo: E. Corey - Lake Waccamaw State Park
Lake Waccamaw State Park
1866 State Park Dr
Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450
Phone: (910) 646-4748

For more information about Lake Waccamaw State Park, visit: http://www.ncparks.gov/Visit/parks/lawa/main.php

Crowder By Night: Owl Prowl

Photo: J. Trickel - Crowder District Park

Friday, July 20, 8pm to 9pm

Celebrate Moon Day and join the “Owl Prowl” at Crowder District Park to discover what owls are found in the NC Piedmont. Practice your best “hoot” and investigate what they like to eat! Learn about the moon’s monthly phases and hear the tale of “Owl Moon.” For all ages. Pre-registration is required.

Admission: $5/Family or $3/Person

Crowder District Park
4709 Ten Ten Road
Apex, NC 27539
Phone: (919) 662-2850

For more information about Crowder District Park, visit: http://www.wakegov.com/parks/crowder/default.htm

Maritime Forest Walk

Wednesday, July 18, 9am to 10am

This program is offered in partnership with the North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve. Take a guided hike through the maritime forest with NERR staff and see the plants and wildlife that call the Outer Banks home.

This class meets in the parking lot of the reserve located a mile north of the Wildlife Center off of NC12.

For reservations, book online or call 252.453.0221 ex. 1.
Online registration: https://ncpaws.org/reservations/corolla/CalendarView.aspx

Outer Banks Center for Wildlife Education
Currituck Heritage Park
1160 Village Lane
Corolla, NC 27927
Phone: (252) 453-0221 ext. 1

Photo: D. Lequire - Pettigrew State Park

For more information about the Outer Banks Center for Widlife Education, visit: http://www.ncwildlife.org/Learning/EducationCenters/OuterBanks.aspx

Whales and Whaling

Saturday, July 14, 10am to 2pm

What does Moby Dick have in common with North Carolina? Find out in free 2nd Saturdays "Whales & Whaling" event. Celebrating the new permanent exhibit, "Whales and Whaling in North Carolina," shows the uniqueness and history of the state's whaling fishery. The crowning feature of the exhibit is a 33.5-foot sperm whale skeleton. The Museum offers games and crafts. Local artists and crafters will also display and sell their work.

NC Maritime Museum - Beaufort
315 Front St.
Beaufort, NC 28516
Phone: (252) 728-7317

For more information about the NC Maritime Museums, visit: http://www.ncmaritimemuseums.com


Ranger Camp at Piedmont Wildlife Center

Ranger Camp for teens (ages 11-17)
July 23-27

This camp gives a select group of young people the opportunity to explore the woods with the confidence and strength of the rangers of the Old World.  Campers will study the art of stealth by creating their own ranger cloaks to camouflage their bodies as they prowl through the woods.  They will hone their eye-hand coordination and focus as they practice the time-honored tradition of roving archery.  Through tracking and woodscraft, campers will understand what it means to be keepers of our natural world.

 ■‘Ranger Cloak’ ghillie suit made from camo netting, burlap, and natural materials
 ■Roving Archery where each camper has his own bow, quiver, and arrows.  Move through the forest aiming at targets along the course
 ■Tracking exercises which culminate in a stalk to find the evil ogre destroying the woods, and then shooting him at distance
 ■Estimating range, to get an innate sense of distance
 ■Sneaking around and trying to remain unseen
 ■Camouflage using natural materials
 ■Swiss arrows

For more information and to register, visit: http://www.piedmontwildlifecenter.org/summer-camps/

Stone Mountain Stream Safari

Saturday, July 14, 4pm

Meet a Stone Mountain State Park ranger at the B Loop Washhouse to take an exciting trek to the stream. See what kinds of critters live in the stream at the park. Perhaps you will see the fish pictured above!

Wear clothes you won't mind getting wet and bring a change of clothes in case you need it!

For more information about Stone Mountain State Park, visit: http://www.ncparks.gov/Visit/parks/stmo/main.php

Stone Mountain State Park
3042 Frank Parkway
Roaring Gap, NC 28668
Phone: (336) 957-8185

Mount Mitchell Hike

Saturday, July 14, 11am

Meet Mount Mitchell State Park staff at the Education Center to begin a guided 3/4 mile hike along the Balsam Nature Trail. Wear hiking shoes and appropriate clothing. The hike will begin at the trail head near the Education Classroom. Call the park for more details.

For a map of the park and more information, visit: http://www.ncparks.gov/Visit/parks/momi/main.php

Mount Mitchell State Park
2388 State Highway 128
Burnsville, NC 28714
Phone: (828) 675-4611

Gardening for Wildlife

Sunday, July 15, 6pm to 8pm

Want to make your yard more attractive to more than just your human neighbors? Observe the gardens at Lake Crabtree County Park and discuss ways to make your outdoor space more attractive to birds, butterflies, toads and more! Preregistration is required. Download the registration form (link below) and mail it in to do so. Meet at the Manager's Office.

Click here for the registration form

Lake Crabtree County Park
1400 Aviation Parkway
Morrisville, NC 27560
Phone: (919) 460-3390

Nocturnal Navigators

Saturday, July 14,  8pm to 9:30pm

Come navigate the night with naturalists at Durant Nature Park to see what animals are active as the sun goes down and the stars come out. Call for owls, look for bats, listen for frogs, insects and more!

Admission: $2
Register 4 days in advance at http://reclink.raleighnc.gov

Durant Nature Park
8305 Camp Durant Road
Raleigh, NC 27614
Phone: (919) 870-2871

For more information on Durant Nature Park, visit: http://www.raleighnc.gov/search/content/PRecRecreation/Articles/DurantNaturePark.html

Snakes of the Highlands region

Friday, July 13, 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Highlands Biological Station - Nature Center

Come for an educational program featuring live snakes!  Herpetologist and Nature Center Director Patrick Brannon will present a talk on local snake species.  Learn snake identification, natural histories, and common misconceptions about them.  $2 per person.  Advanced registration is not required, but please note that seating is limited.  All ages.  Meet at the Nature Center.

Highlands Nature Center
930 Horse Cove Rd.
Highlands, NC 28741
Phone: (828) 526-2623

For more information on Highlands Biological Station, visit: http://highlandsbiological.org/


Saturday, July 14, 8:30am to 10am

Explore the morning mists with naturalists at Lake Crabtree County Park as they search for herons, cormorants, and eagles! Learn the natural history of these birds and their connection to Lake Crabtree. Preregistration is required. Download the Registration form from the link below and mail it in with payment to do so. Meet at the Waterwise Garden.

Admission: $3/person or $5/family

To download the registration form click the following link: http://www.wakegov.com/NR/rdonlyres/807BA71B-4AE9-49F8-A7A8-11A9001F1D24/0/PROSprogramreservationform2011.pdf

Lake Crabtree County Park
1400 Aviation Parkway
Morrisville, NC 27560
Phone: (919) 460-3355

For more information about Lake Crabtree County Park, visit: www.wakegov.com/parks/lakecrabtree

The Itchy Truth

Saturday, July 7, 4pm to 5pm

Clear fingernail polish will not help! An up close look at the critters that bug us throughout the summer. Find out more about these pesky insects and remedies for their itch.

Lake Waccamaw State Park
1866 State Park Dr.
Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450
Phone: (910) 646-4748
For more information on Lake Waccamaw State Park, visit: www.ncparks.gov/Visit/parks/lawa/main.php

Nature Discoverers Summer Camp

July 10 - July 13 (Tues - Fri)
9am to 3pm
Ages 7-11

Children are naturally curious about the outdoors and are eager to smell a flower, see a turtle and to search for animals homes. Join the outdoor expeditions at Crowder District Park and learn about early North Carolina nature explorers. Camp space is limited so sign up now!

Admission: $96/child

Crowder District Park
4709 Ten Ten Road
Apex, NC 27539
Phone: (919) 662-2850

Clean Beaches Week

July 1 - 7

Headed to the coast for the holiday? Clean Beaches Week is the “Earth Day” for beaches. Held every July 1-7, it is a celebration of the healthy beach lifestyle. The four main themes of the week are: food, recreation, travel and environment.

Founded in 2003, the week has drawn enormous public support: more than 150 coastal governors, mayors, and county commissions have now issued proclamations in support of the week. In 2007, by unanimous consent, both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives passed resolutions enacting the week.

Take a moment this week to admire the benefits our coast provides.

For more information, visit: http://www.cleanbeaches.com/events.html

Nature Sprouts

Thursday, July 5, 10:30am to 11:20am

Preschoolers (ages 3-6 years old with a parent) will have a chance to discover nature while making new friends. A new topic will be explored each session through stories, crafts, and activities. Pre-registration is requested by Tuesday, July 8. This program is free of charge.

Lake Rim Park
2214 Tar Kiln Drive
Fayetteville, NC United States 28304
Phone: (910) 424-6134

Park and Recreation Month!

Since 1985, the National Recreation and Park Association has designated the month of July as Park and Recreation Month. Recreation facilities and parks across the country annually use July to celebrate the kick-off of summer programming as well as a time to pull their communities together to volunteer, get involved in great outdoor physical activities and advocate for parks and recreation. The theme for this year's Park and Recreation month is "Get Wild!"

Spending the day at the park is not only great for your wallet, it’s great for your health too. Frequently going to a park and being active can reduce stress, improve cardiovascular health, help ward off obesity and decrease feelings of depression. For example, studies have shown that:

•Active users of public parks have a lower body mass index
•People who visit parks for longer periods of time (one hour or more) have significantly lower systolic blood pressures
•Park users who are more physically active and who make frequent contact with friends during their leisure are less likely to report feeling depressed
•Citizens who have better access to parks, visit parks more frequently, and engage in physically-active park behaviors also make fewer visits to their doctor

To learn more about Park and Recreation month, visit: http://www.nrpa.org/Content.aspx?id=858

To find a North Carolina State Park near you, visit: http://www.ncparks.gov

You can also visit your local or county parks!