
Don't Fry Day & Beautiful Butterflies

The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention has designated the Friday before Memorial Day as Don’t Fry Day. The Council’s goal is to encourage sun safety awareness by reminding everyone to protect their skin while enjoying the outdoors on Don’t Fry Day and every day.

Check out the link below for more information and resources, including posters, stickers, coloring pages, and other activities.

As you travel this holiday weekend be sure to check out the Environmental Education Centers near your destination! You can find organizations and events near you by going to

In fact, here's something we think you will really enjoy!

Beautiful Butterflies at Lake Crabtree County Park
Saturday, May 26, 9 am - 11 am

What’s the difference between a butterfly and a moth? Where do caterpillars come from? What is metamorphosis anyway? Come join park staff and hike around the Old Beech Nature Trail to discover the answers and other fascinating facts while looking for these “Beautiful Butterflies.” Preregistration is required. Please download a copy of our Registration Form from our event link.

Admission: $3/person or $5/family
Phone: (919) 460-3390
Lake Crabtree County Park
1400 Aviation Parkway
Morrisville, NC 27560

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