
Some Weekend Events

As the rain continues to fall, and will continue sporadically through the weekend, here are some ideas that might brighten our spirits.  A list of events both inside and out, that might be a good break from the rain.

Duke Homestead: Pork, Pickle and Peanuts:
Saturday July 13th, 10am-4pm: Free

Each year we celebrate North Carolina food culture and history with our Pork, Pickles and Peanuts: Tastes of NC Festival. This extremely tasty event includes a BBQ and Pie contest. New this year, guests can taste the BBQ and pick a People's Choice winner of their own.

Down at the Historic Home of the Duke family food continues to be the theme with historic cooking demonstrations. Beyond the kitchen, you can visit the rest of the Duke family's 1852 home and outside enjoy 19th century games and toys.Food definitely is the focus of the day,but make sure you don't leave without visiting our many talented local arts and crafts vendors. Pork, Pickles and Peanuts allows you to fill your stomach and support North Carolina artists at the same time.
The Ugly Duckling, Sat. July 13th at 10 am 
($5 all tickets)
This enchanting musical, based on the classic 
tale by Hans Christian Andersen, 
will entertain children of all ages. 
Audience participation, resolution of 
family conflict & an ecological touch are added 
bonuses to this fast-moving musical version of 
the classic story.

2nd Saturdays with Children’s Author Suzanne Tate, 1-2 p.m
At the Museum Store
Suzanne Tate will be reading from her latest book 
”Davy Sand Dollar” which is the 35th in her Nature Series. 
The reading will be followed by a book signing. 
The event is free.
Roanoke Island Festival Park logoOver two million Suzanne Tate books have been sold and are 
used by teachers,marine educators, and parents to foster 
reading and teach nature and history.  Tate has received 
many awards in the 20 years since she began writing children’s
books. She is especially pleased that two titles were awarded 
“Children’s Choice” in a joint project byRoanoke Island Festival 
Park logo the International Reading Association and Children’s 
Book Council. Children across the country each year choose the 
books they like best For more information on the author visit 
www.suzannetate.com or forthe event,  or visit Roanokeisland.com.

July 13: Saturday: Pack Square Asheville 
Shindig on the Green returns for the third season back at the heart of downtown 
Asheville at the new Pack Square Park's Roger McGuire Greenfor the 2013 season. 
The stage shows will take place on the Bascom Lamar Lunsford stage, named for the
 founder of the Mountain Dance and Folk Festival, the nation's longest running folk festival.

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