
Keep America Beautiful's Great American Cleanup Starting Friday!!

Keep America Beautiful's Great American Cleanup, the nation's largest community improvement program, takes place every year from March 1 through May 31 and involves more than 3 million volunteers and participants. Activities include beautifying parks and recreation areas, cleaning seashores and waterways, holding recycling collections, picking up litter, planting trees and flowers, and conducting educational programs and litter-free events.
The statistics are in for 2011's cleanup and they are quite impressive. 3.8 million volunteers picked up 177 million lbs of litter from roads, parks, rivers, wetlands, nature trails and more. 166,000 trees were planted and 6,900 educational workshops were held. You can see all the statistics here.
To inquire about ways you can help and get involved, contact one of North Carolina's participating organizations near you. You can see the list here.

Visit the N.C. Office of Environmental Education and Public Affair's website for more info.

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