
What are you doing for MLK, Jr. Day of Service?

Source: http://www.montgomeryserves.org/
For many schools and workplaces, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a day off. MLK, Jr. Day of Service challenges you to make it a "day on" rather than a "day off."
The website devoted to this day has all sorts of ways you can engage to improve your community. There is a search funtion for events already happening in your area and a toolkit to help you plan your own day of service. Environmental stewardship is one of the categories included in the toolkits. Improvements to the health and livelihood of communities can be made through this type of service. Check it out! http://mlkday.gov/plan/actionguides/foundation.php

Also consider starting or working on a community garden. Visit this website for strategies to get you started: http://www.communitygarden.org/learn/starting-a-community-garden.php

Or what about a neighborhood litter clean up? http://www.kab.org/site/PageServer?pagename=tools_everyone

Another idea: collect electronic waste from your neighbors and take it to the proper facility

Not enough time to organize an event? That's OK, many of these things can be done with just your family. Be creative!

Family trail maintenance
Source: http://www.tahoeculture.com/events/south-shore-events/happy-trails-begin-at-explore-tahoe-during-national-trails-day-june-5/


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