
Looking for more ways to expose your children to nature?

Zack at Carolina North Forest, Chapel Hill
Photo: Mariah Grant
The North Carolina Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs serves as the state clearinghouse for environmental education centers, programs, and events. It's your one-stop-shop for finding things to do with kids outdoors!
Visit our searchable database to find opportunities near yo:

Here are a few samples from mountains to sea:

Grandfather Mountain Stewardship Foundation was established to preserve Grandfather Mountain and to operate nature park, providing educational opportunities to the public. They have a museum, a zoo, and nature trails including a mile high swinging bridge! Visit their website to learn more about their naturalist and wildlife education, the Nature Museum, events, and planning your visit.

Blue Jay Photo Source:
Blue Jay Point County Park, Wake County Parks & Recreation offers numerous opportunities for kids, families, and adults. Along with playgrounds, trails, and gardens, they also have an environmental education center with exhibits and structured learning activities. Not only do they have programs, for the DIY'ers they have Family Discovery Boxes available at no charge that include guided activities such as tree and plant identification and animal behavior observation. To learn more about their programs and events visit:

Cape Fear Museum in Wilmington offers family programs in their learning center on Saturdays. The whole family can conduct experiments, explore artifacts, and play fun games. They also offer homeschool and summer programs for children. Explore their activities here:

These are just a few of the many wonderful places you can find on our website:

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