
Craft Smart


With your kids out of school, hopefully you find yourself with some extra family time this week. Earlier posts have given some ideas of things to do outside, but in case the weather doesn't cooperate, here are some ideas for indoor fun. I complied some of my favorite ideas for crafting with recycled materials from other parent blogs.  Click on the links below the photos for detailed instructions.
1. This is for ages 2-6+ and includes all sorts of learning opportunities such as hand eye coordination, gravity, angles, problem solving, etc.

2. Fun with leaves! Ages 2+ What a great way to include a nature walk and a craft experience. The author talks about collecting the leaves and having the child describe what they look like, i.e. an umbrella, a heart, etc., what they feel like, what they smell like, etc. This is a great way to evoke the senses, develop vocabulary, and make connections.
3. Invitation to paint, using recycled materials! Ages 2-6+ Instead of giving your kids direction on how to paint, give them materials to work with, a surface they can get paint all over, and let them go to town.

4. Make your own game out of recycled milk bottles. Ages 5+ and you may want to wield the scissors. This will keep the kids entertained for hours while improving hand-eye coordination.


5. Get started on those handmade presents! Use recycled glass jars and turn them into beautiful vases with swirled paint! Ages 3+
 6. Recycled shoebox diorama! Have kids talk about their favorite places or a scene that sticks out in their mind; it may even be your own backyard! Challenge them to make a diorama out of recycled materials to represent their world.

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