
Bees and Pollinator Gardens

Sunday, September 9, 2pm to 4pm (rescheduled from June)

Presented by Chatham Conservation Partnership

Join Chatham Extension Agent Debbie Roos and the Chatham County Beekeepers Association for a special look at the wonderful world of bees and pollinator gardens. See honey bees in a hive and learn about their life cycle and beekeeping. Guides will discuss the importance of bees and pollination, and show plants that attract bees and other pollinators. Visit a honey bee hive at the Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) campus in Pittsboro, then tour Cooperative Extension’s demonstration Pollinator Garden at Chatham Marketplace (visit the garden website at The beekeeper will use a "bee cage" which is a screen wire enclosure for a hive of bees. Participants will stay on the outside of the bee cage so there is no need to wear protective clothing.

The tour will begin at the CCCC-Pittsboro campus apiary near the Hwy 64 entrance for the bee case demonstration, and then participants will drive to the Pollinator Garden.

Register for this event by calling 919-545-8044.

For more information, visit:

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