Start the year off in the outdoors! Join a park ranger for a hike through one of North Carolina's many splendid state parks!
Go to to find a park near you that is hosting a First Day Hike.


"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks" - John Muir

Project Enlightenment

Project Enlightenment is an early childhood program of the
Wake County Public School System’s Office of Early Learning that provides a unique blend of quality services to young children birth through kindergarten, their families, and teachers in the Wake County community.


PHONE: 919-856-7774

Wake County Public School System


December 2013


“Like Us” on Facebook!- Project Enlightenment now has a Facebook page! Please follow the link
or search for Project Enlightenment through your personal Facebook page.


THANK YOU to our Book Drive Friends! Project Enlightenment’s 14th Annual Book Drive continues to be a great success! To date, we have collected thousands of books! We would like to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to our elementary and preschool partners and anyone else who has participated by donating, collecting, sorting and distributing books. We have worked diligently to get the collected books into the hands of children and families that do not have books in their homes. Thank you for helping us make that happen for so many.

The Book Drive runs through December, but books can be donated to Project Enlightenment at any time throughout the year. Books needed include baby and toddler books (board or chunky), preschool books, Spanish books, and beginning reader books. Please call 919-856-7804 for more information.


Barnes & Noble Book Drive Partner- The Barnes & Noble in Cary is sponsoring Project Enlightenment for their Holiday Book Drive this year. They are collecting books through January 1, 2014. You can help us get books into the hands of young children that need them by purchasing a book to donate to Project Enlightenment’s "On the Road to Reading" book drive.


Resources, Resources, Resources… Remember that Project Enlightenment offers a host of helpful resources and services for teachers and parents of young children birth through kindergarten. Project Enlightenment offers classroom consultation, two demonstration preschool classrooms, teacher workshops, developmental screening, parent education and counseling, a Parents as Teachers program and a resource center for teachers and parents. Come by, call about our services (919-856-7774) or visit our website at We look forward to seeing you!


Parent Counseling Service- Project Enlightenment offers a short-term counseling service to support families who have concerns about child behavior or development that may impact school success. The counseling staff has decades of experience with issues facing families of young children, and their main objective is to provide specific interventions that will increase a child's success in home and school environments. Call 919-856-7774 or visit the Resource Center to schedule an appointment. For more information, visit our website at and click on the Parent Resources tab.


TALKline at 919-856-7808- Project Enlightenment is pleased to offer a call-in service for anyone who has a question or concern about a child, birth through kindergarten age. A caring professional Project Enlightenment staff member will take your call, listen to your questions and talk to you about your concerns. No issue is too small or unimportant. TALKline is available on Tuesdays from 9:30 am-11:00 am, Wednesdays from 1:00 pm-2:30 pm and Thursdays from 1:00 pm-2:30 pm. Remember to call TALKline at 919-856-7808 if you need to talk. Please see the attached flyer.


Workshops at Project Enlightenment- Project Enlightenment offers workshops for teachers and parents beginning in late August through the end of May. Please check our website to download our workshop brochures or register for a class.


Workshops for Teachers- Project Enlightenment offers a variety of workshops for teachers of young children birth through kindergarten age on topics including classroom management, child development, supporting English Language Learners and more. Please check out our website at for more information.


Upcoming Teacher Workshops for January 2014 include:

Ø  Enjoy Baby Doll Circle Time ™: The Ultimate in Appropriate Group Time for Our Youngest on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 from 1:00- 3:00 pm

Ø  Toddler Talk: How Toddlers Acquire Language Skills on Thursday, January 9, 2014 from 1:00- 3:00 pm

Ø  Weather on Monday, January 13, 2014 from 1:00- 3:00 pm. Please note that this workshop occurs in the Discovery Room at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, 11 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601

Ø  Using Shubert Books to Help Children Learn to Solve Problems on Thursday, January 16, 2014 from 4:30- 6:30 pm.

Ø  Demonstration Preschool (DPS) Classroom Observation on Wednesday, January 29, 2014 from 8:30 am-11:00 am


Workshops for Parents- Project Enlightenment is pleased to offer workshops for parents on a variety of topics. Please visit for more information.


Upcoming Parent Workshop for January 2014:

Ø  Positive Discipline: Firmness & Limit Setting on Tuesdays, January 7, 14 & 21, 2014 from 6:30 to 8:30pm


The Parent Teacher Resource Center (PTRC)- Project Enlightenment offers a variety of helpful information (including a library full of books for adults and children) and services for teachers and parents of young children birth through kindergarten. Come by and check out the resources in the Parent Teacher Resource Center (PTRC), call about our services (919-856-7804) or visit our website at


PTRC Displays- Please stop by the Resource Center to see our displays on Sleep and When Your Child Needs a Little Extra TLC (comprised of materials on how to be reassuring, how to create and deepen a close connection, and how to support and comfort your child during challenging times.) Come in or call 919-856-7804 for more information.


The Production Area- A Production Area is located in the PTRC. It is available to anyone who wants to make activities and materials to use with young children. You will find construction paper, poster board, laminators, book binding machines and a variety of Ellison Die Cuts in addition to various other materials. A user fee may apply.

Books on teaching strategies and fun activities are displayed throughout the school year. This month, books on songs, rhymes and chants are provided.

Please call ahead (919-856-7804) if you wish to visit the Production Area, as it is reserved at times for large groups.


Library Catalog- Looking for information about sleeping, eating, behavior? You can go on-line and search the resources that Project Enlightenment has on those subjects and many more that pertain to young children. To access our library catalog from your computer, just follow the simple directions listed below.


To access the Library Catalog:


1.      Go to the Project Enlightenment website at

2.      Look under Highlights.

3.      Click on

4.      Select Project Enlightenment (at top of list).

5.      This will take you to our catalog.

6.      You may search for any book or subject.



Third Thursday in the PTRC- The PTRC will be open until 8:00 pm on January 16th. Make plans to come by and see us! REMEMBER, Third Thursday will not occur in December 2013.


Project Enlightenment E-Newsletters- If you know someone that would like to join our e-news email list, please have them email Robyn at .


Website- Our website, designed for parents, other family members, teachers and other professionals is loaded with information that is relevant regarding young children.

Fall Festivals and the NC State Fair

Come celebrate North Carolina's Homecoming at the North Carolina State Fair Oct.17-27th.

Where are you going this fall?
Tell me at @ecosmartparent

2013 State Fair - Raleigh N.C. North Carolina's Homecoming!
Many state agencies have educational exhibits including:
  • N.C. Forest Service
  • Wildlife Resources Commission
  • Got to be NC Agriculture: Discover food products from across N.C
  • Agriculture Today
  • Soil and Water Conservation
Fuquay-Varina Downtown Chili Cook-Off
Fuquay-Varina's Chili Cook off-Oct. 26th 

Fall Pumpkin picking and activities:


Magic in the Garden and Campout Carolina this Weekend!

Looking for something to do this weekend with the kids. Look no further, Magic in the Garden at the North Carolina Botanical Garden, and Campout Carolina. See below for details.

In partnership with Kidzu Children’s Museum… The young and young-at-heart are invited to our annual“Discovering Magic in the Garden” program next Saturday, Oct 1210 am – 12pm for an enchanting morning of family fun in the Children’s Wonder Garden!  Build magical homes for fairies and elves using Nature’s materials, make a fall leaf crown, craft a wand, listen to a local storyteller spin “fairy tales”, play games, and more.  Bring your 
imagination and love of nature… children (and their grown-ups) are invited to wear their most magical costumes, so don your favorite cape or fairy wings and join us in the Garden!

Fee, per child: $10 ($9 NCBG members)
Age: 4 & up w/ adult caregiver

1. Go to and click the yellow “Calendar + Registration” button
2. Select program from list
3. Sign in with your login + password (or create an account)
4. Check real-time availability, register, pay!
Campout! Carolina
Photo courtesy of 
Pull out the sleeping bags!
Join thousands of North Carolinians the weekend of October 11-13, 2013 and take part in EarthShare North Carolina’s 7th annual Campout! Carolina.
Campout! Carolina is an annual event that encourages people to turn off the lights, unplug from the computer, and enjoy a night under the stars.  On this weekend people across the state campout in backyards, campsites and favorite backwoods spots to celebrate and show their support for a healthy environment.
Taking part is easy.  Register, explore the website for ideas and information to help plan your campout, share your camping tips and recipes, and more.


October is National Farm to School Month

October is National Farm to School Month
October 2013 Contest Calender Winner,
Farm to school can play a strong role in promoting good health and creating strong economies.  In recognition of this, Congress designated October as National Farm to School Month in 2010.  This is a time to celebrate the connections that are happening all over the country between schools and local food!  The NC Farm to School program has been supplying school cafeterias across the state with 
the freshest, locally grown produce from NC 
farms since 1997.

For more information please visit

North Carolina Poundage of food from the Farm to School Program

2011-2012 Figures:
1,003,921 students served
1,599 schools
1,574,975 pounds of produce
$1,210,523.53 of produce from NC farmers sold to NC schools.
2010-2011 Figures:
In the 2010-11 school year, NC Farm to School served 943,368 students, which was 1,343,275 pounds
of NC produce. 



Take a Child Outside Week

TACO logoTake a Child Outside Week

"Play, Incorporating Animistic and Magical Thinking Is Important Because It:
Fosters the healthy, creative and emotional growth of a child;
Forms the best foundation for later intellectual growth.  Provides a way in which children get to know the world and creates possibilities for different ways of responding to it.
Fosters empathy and wonder."  "By suggestion and example, I believe children can be helped to hear the many voices about them.  Take Time to listen and talk about the voices of the earth and what they mean—the majestic voice of thunder, the winds, the sound of surf or flowing streams."
                  -Rachel Carson, "A Sense of Wonder"

Take a Child Outside Week is a program designed to help break down obstacle that keep children from discovering the natural world.  By arming parents, teachers and other caregivers with resources on outdoor activities, our goal is to help children develop a better understanding and appreciation of the environment in which they live, and a burgeoning enthusiasm for it exploration.

For more information and to find events near you visit,

  • Get Going NC Article with Resource
  • Wake County Events
  • NC State Parks

    • Great Outdoor Provision Company
      The Great Outdoor Provision Company has provided a geographic breakdown of events throughout the state. They have 82 events total for this week.

                                  Events in the Triad Area


      Don't forget that this Saturday September 28 is National Public Lands Day

      Is your Child's Backpack to Heavy?

      Photo Courtesy of

      As we get further into September, schools typically assign more homework. Something to keep in mind as your children start to bring home more books and there backpacks get heavier.
      Young Children especially should not carry to much weight in there backpacks.
      A backpack should not exceed 20 percent (1) of total body weight! For example, if you weigh 130 pounds, your backpack should not weigh more than 26 pounds. The recommended weight limit is 15 percent (2). See the chart below 

      How Much is Your
      Body Weight (lbs.)
      Recommended Limits: 15% (2)
      Maximum Backpack Weight: 20%
      10 lbs.
      14 lbs.
      12 lbs.
      16 lbs.
      13-1/2 lbs.
      18 lbs.
      15 lbs.
      20 lbs.
      16-1/2 lbs.
      22 lbs.
      18 lbs.
      24 lbs.
      19-1/2 lbs.
      26 lbs.
      21 lbs.
      28 lbs.
      22-1/2 lbs.
      30 lbs.
      No one should carry more than 25 pounds (2)
      1. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).
      2. American Chiropractic Association (ACA), American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).
      For some backpack safety tips visit
      • More than 24,000 people were treated in U.S. hospitals and doctors' offices for backpack-related injuries in 2012, and more than 9,500 of those patients were aged 5 to 18, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

      Volunteering With Our Kids

      Volunteering and its Surprising Benefits
      Photo courtesy of
      Now the new school year has officially begun. I hope everyone is finding a good routine for our now busier lives.  Many parents find themselves rushing from one activity to the next. Sometimes it is a good idea to take a step back, gather up the family and go volunteer.  You can volunteer with almost any kind of group and need you can think of.
      Volunteering in NC:

      • NC Big Sweep
        • On the first Saturday in October, volunteers from all 100 counties in North Carolina and approximately 90 countries worldwide come together to clean up our land and waterways.

      Research has shown that volunteering can provide countless benefits: According to
      • Volunteering connects you to others
        • Volunteering as a family
          • While it might be a challenge to coordinate everyone’s schedules, volunteering as a family has many worthwhile benefits. Children watch everything you do. By giving back to the community, you show them firsthand how volunteering makes a difference and how good it feels to help others and enact change. 
      • Volunteering is good for your mind and body
        • Volunteering increases self-confidence. Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. 
        • Volunteering combats depression. Reducing the risk of depression is another important benefit of volunteering. A key risk factor for depression is social isolation.
        • Photo courtesy of
          For Information about Volunteering in the Triangle
        • Volunteering helps you stay physically healthy. Volunteering is good for your health at any age, but it’s especially beneficial in older adults. Studies have found that those who volunteer have a lower mortality rate than those who do not, even when considering factors like the health of the participants. Volunteering has also been shown to lessen symptoms of chronic pain or heart disease.
      • Volunteering can advance your career
        • Many volunteering opportunities provide extensive training. For example, you could become an experienced crisis counselor while volunteering for a women’s shelter or a knowledgeable art historian while donating your time as a museum docent.
      • Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life
        • Volunteering is a fun and easy way to explore your interests and passions. Doing volunteer work you find meaningful and interesting can be a relaxing, energizing escape from your day-to-day routine of work, school, or family commitments. Volunteering also provides you with renewed creativity, motivation, and vision that can carry over into your personal and professional life.


      Local Foods at Our Schools

      The number one industry in North Carolina is agriculture and we have some of the best research institutions arguably in the country. Many local municipalities have partnered with universities and non-profits to help provide fresh and local produce to our children.  Programs such as The NC Farm to School program have been supplying school cafeterias across our state with the freshest, locally grown produce from North Carolina farms since 1997.
      See below for some statistics and school districts that participate in the program:
      NC Farm to School Program:Poundage
      2011-2012 Figures:
      1,003,921 students served
      1,599 schools
      1,574,975 pounds of produce
      $1,210,523.53 of produce from NC farmers sold to NC schools.
      Follow the link below to see more information on organizations and schools helping bring fresh local produce to our children. Help get your school involved in starting a program or buying more local produce, it benefits our children and the local farmers.  We would love to hear how you are helping bring local produce into schools.

      The Edible Schoolyard Project